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Annals of Inquiry

Why So Many People Are Going “No Contact” with Their Parents

A growing movement wants to destigmatize severing ties. Is it a much-needed corrective, or a worrisome change in family relations?
Annals of Inquiry

Why Are We So Bad at Getting Better?

Convalescence used to be central to medicine. We don’t talk about it anymore.
On and Off the Avenue

Soak and the City

New Yorkers don’t need wellness culture to sell them on the ancient art of communal bathing.
Wellness Dept.

Finally, Zumba Classes for Latter-Day Jason Bournes

As part of the C.I.A.’s wellness rebrand, the agency has a spiffy new gym at Langley, a “chief wellbeing officer,” and virtual-reality beach-walk experiences.
Shouts & Murmurs

Welcome to BodyMind, the Meditation App for Amazon Employees

Before your mindfulness journey continues, please take a moment to absorb an ad from our sponsors.
Over There

First: Fight the Russians. Then: Wellness Bowls

Yaryna Chornohuz takes a break after thirteen months on the front lines in the Ukrainian Army to sleep in a real bed in Manhattan, chow down on yuppie food, and lobby for more HIMARS.
Shouts & Murmurs

Discovering the Benefits of MWAB

Subscribe to my newsletter, and learn how to optimize your chances of having a radiant moment with a baby.
Shouts & Murmurs

Wait, but Have You Tried—

A rib belt? Kinesio tape? Cupping? Do you wear a brace for it?
Annals of Medicine

Medicine’s Wellness Conundrum

Patients want alternative therapies. How can hospitals offer them without putting medical integrity at risk?
Shouts & Murmurs

I Finally Learned to Listen to My Body, and This Is What It Had to Say

“O.K., you need to take a break.”
Culture Desk

The Healing Art of Harmonic Vibrations

At Socrates Sculpture Park, Guadalupe Maravilla transforms works of art into therapeutic instruments.
Podcast Dept.

Puzzling Through Our Eternal Quest for Wellness

In “POOG,” two comics explore the perils—and the absurd pleasures—of a trillion-dollar industry.
Culture Desk

Coronavirus-Quarantine Diary: “Yoga With Adriene”

If you’ve forgotten what it feels like to be a body, Mishler’s routines allow for the creation of a consistent, sustainable meeting point with your fleshly self.
Q. & A.

Deepak Chopra Has Never Been Sick

In his latest book, “Metahuman,” the doctor and self-help guru touches on some of his signature themes: that science can obscure our potential for self-awareness, and that self-improvement can “move creation itself.”
On and Off the Avenue

The Age of Bathfluence

In the new bathing landscape, plain old Mr. Bubble no longer cuts it.
Dept. of Self-Care

For Common, Self-Care Is the New Black

The rapper’s new album, “Let Love,” envisions a genre where crystals replace swag, and embraces the wellness world.
Second Act Dept.

Why the N.F.L.’s Ricky Williams Suggests Cannabis for Constipation

The former Dolphins running back is getting a Ph.D. in Chinese medicine.
American Chronicles

How Essential Oils Became the Cure for Our Age of Anxiety

Aromatic oils have become big business. But are they medicine or marketing?