Annals of Inquiry
Why So Many People Are Going “No Contact” with Their Parents
A growing movement wants to destigmatize severing ties. Is it a much-needed corrective, or a worrisome change in family relations?
By Anna Russell
The Weekend Essay
Piecing for Cover
At our darkest moments, why do so many of us take up quilting?
By Ayelet Waldman
Critics at Large
Can Slowness Save Us?
A growing body of literature champions the idea that rest is revolutionary. Is slowing down the answer to what ails us, or just the latest trend we’re being sold?
Shouts & Murmurs
wikiHows That Hit Too Close to Home
How to Remove the Mouse from Your Kitchen, Even if It’s the Only Thing Staving Off Your Loneliness
By Julia Edelman and Ginny Hogan
What Our Biggest Best-Sellers Tell Us About a Nation’s Soul
Reading America through more than two centuries of its favorite books.
By Louis Menand
Modern Life
Astrology in the Age of Uncertainty
Millennials who see no contradiction between using astrology and believing in science are fuelling a resurgence of the practice.
By Christine Smallwood
Can Brain Science Help Us Break Bad Habits?
Studies suggest that relying on will power is hopeless. Instead, we must find strategies that don’t require us to be strong.
By Jerome Groopman
Shouts & Murmurs
Self-Care Through the Ages
No one can blame you for feeling emotionally overwhelmed in Judea, under the rule of Pontius Pilate. Make sure to treat yourself right.
By Graham Techler
Shouts & Murmurs
What’s Included in a $480 Ticket to My Empowerment Seminar
A pep talk, a piggyback ride, a detoxifying slap, and more.
By Sophie Abromowitz and Eugenia Viti
Dept. of Self-Help
Travels of the Original A.A. Manifesto
Before it is auctioned off in June, the manuscript of the Big Book spent a morning at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel.
By Nick Paumgarten
Lessons on Male Insecurity (and Indigestion) from Walt Whitman’s Men’s-Health Column
By Dan Piepenbring
Shouts & Murmurs
Poetry for Modern Mindfulness
Swiffering my floor, / I offer thanks to the Procter & Gamble company.
By Jenny Allen